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Complex Example


The below example will demonstrate Mat-dp core's capabilities more extensively for optimally allocating resources in low-carbon systems.

There exists multiple available resources to be used in the construction of a hydroelectric dam.
Researchers have been tasked with decomposing total CO2 output of this project, and gathering insights about material use.


Consider the below resources:

  • CO2
  • electrical cables (and supporting pylons)
  • turbines
  • concrete
  • steel
  • electricity

Now also consider the below processes:

  • electrical cable production
  • pylon production (1 pylon for every 500 metres of electrical cable, also consumes steel)
  • turbine production (consumes steel)
  • steel production
  • dam construction (consumes all resources except CO2, and produces electricity)
  • CO2 uptake by the environment
  • electricity uptake by the grid

In this example, the primary task is resource flow monitoring, not system optimisation. As an objective function is mandatory, we will simple set it to maximise electricity production:

  • minimise runs of 'CO2 uptake by the environment'


First, create the resources of interest:

from mat_dp_core import Resources, Processes, EqConstraint, RunRatioConstraint, GeConstraint, LeConstraint, Measure
r = Resources()

carbon_dioxide = r.create("CO2", "tons")

cable = r.create("High Voltage Cable", "metres")
turbine = r.create("Hydro-electric Turbine", "unit")
concrete = r.create("Concrete", "kilotons")
steel = r.create("Steel", "tons")
electricity = r.create("Power generation per day", "mwh")


Now we define the processes:

p = Processes()

# Producers
electrical_cable_production = p.create("Cable production", (cable, 1), (carbon_dioxide, 0.2))
pylon_for_cable_production = p.create("Pylon production", (steel, -90), (carbon_dioxide, 0.5))
turbine_production = p.create("Turbine production", (steel, -0.8), (turbine, 1), (carbon_dioxide, 0.7))
concrete_production = p.create("Concrete production", (concrete, 1), (carbon_dioxide, 1200))
steel_production = p.create("Steel production", (steel, 1),(carbon_dioxide, 2))

# Dam construction (produces and consumes)
hydo_dam_construction = p.create("Dam construction", 
    (cable, -25000), 
    (turbine, -20), 
    (concrete, -5500), 
    (steel, -10000), 
    (electricity, 1700))

# Consumers
environment = p.create("CO2 uptake by environment", (carbon_dioxide, -1))
grid = p.create("Electricity uptake by grid", (electricity, -1))


Constraints to help define the problem are now created.
Here, a run ratio constraint is used to fix pylon production in relation to cable production (one for every 500 metres).

# Constraints
one_dam = LeConstraint("The requirement to make only 1 dam", hydo_dam_construction, 1)
pylon_to_cable_ratio = RunRatioConstraint(electrical_cable_production, pylon_for_cable_production, 500, "Fixed run ratio of power cables to power pylons")

constraints = [one_dam, pylon_to_cable_ratio]

Objective and Measure

Seek to maximise electricity consumed/produced.

# Objective
objective = -grid

measure = Measure(r, p, constraints, objective)


Below is an example of how you may wish to print resulting data from Mat-dp core:

# Printing
print("\n\nTotal pylons required:")

print("\n\nTotal steel used in cable production:")
print(round(measure.flow(process_from=electrical_cable_production, process_to=hydo_dam_construction, resource=cable)))

print("\n\nTotal CO2 absorbed by the environment:")
print(round(- measure.resource(process=environment, resource=carbon_dioxide)))

print("\n\nTons of CO2 produced by process:")
for x in measure.resource(resource=carbon_dioxide):
    print(x[0].name + ": " + str(round(x[1])))

The full code for this example is available under: mat-dp-core/examples/